REAL COOL STORIES (week ended 3/21/20)
Well, life has become all about COVID-19, so here is my week!
Day 4 (Sunday) – Walked to the grocery store to get a few items. The store opened at 7 am after closing the night before early for restocking. At 7:20 am the three checkout lines were already three to four deep each. Crazy! Still little paper products available, no wipes and very little meat.
Had a long conversation with a friend who has “cabin fever”. He is a HUGE sports fan and doesn’t know what to do with all the time available. He said church was closed so he and his wife watched the sermon online. What a world.
Took a long walk and listened to a couple of podcasts. Luckily there were taped before Coronavirus mania.!
Went out for pizza – guessing that may end soon. Enjoyed a couple of craft beers, too.
Total hand wash – 32.
Day 5 (Monday) – Went on a nice 3+ mile run to start the day. Met a couple visiting from Charlotte, NC. Did an elbow pound when they stopped and said “Goodbye”. Nice conversation for a mile or so on my route.
Took our grand dog on a nice beach walk. He was energetic and delightful. He was really nice especially to a young woman with Downs Syndrome. Made my day! MANY people – mostly families and groups with dogs. As busy a Monday on the beach as I have seen!
Had a wonderful dinner at home. Then, right to the DVR to catch up on “Better Call Saul”. Total hand wash – 24. Not as much time out and about – a precursor to things to come?
Day 6 (Tuesday) - Walked to the grocery store to get a few items. At least the three checkout lines were not too crazy! Still no paper products available and very little meat. We did get some disinfecting wipes and BEER!
Went on a long walk along the beach. Again, the beach was packed. Lots of families and dogs. Cleared the DVR of some old episodes of “Last Week Tonight” and “Real Sports”. Dinner was cinnamon rolls – the most delectable, delicious in the world. Props to the wife! Did not get in the car all day. Total hand wash – 20.
Day 7 (Wednesday) – Raining and cold this morning. Started my listening to “Pardon My Take” which featured a terrific interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci talking about the topic of the day, month, year and decade. Very informative. Had some cinnamon rolls – yum! Decided had to get outside so took a three-mile walk in the rain. Our grandson came over for a few hours. How precious it is to spend time with him. He took a long nap in my arms (I may have napped some too!) Total hand wash – 18.
Day 8 (Thursday) – Went a six-mile walk in the morning. Got to CVS at 845 am not knowing that the store was not opening until 9 am. Did not find a couple items we wanted but enjoyed the sunshine. Took the grand dog on a walk in the afternoon. He was super charged up and we ran a bunch. The beach continued to be packed with families and dogs. Had a wonderful casserole for dinner and fired up the DVR. Just as we started, I read a tweet about Gov. Newsome and further order to “stay home”. We immediately went to the grocery store to stock up on milk, beer and a couple other items. Also, we went to our favorite ice cream store and purchased 5 hand-packed pints. We are ready for a few days. Total hand wash – 24.
Day 9 (Friday) – Went for a 3.5 mile run to start the morning. Pretty quiet but saw many of the “regulars” along my route. Took a walk to the post office to mail a birthday gift – my father-in-law turns 87 on March 30th. Grilled hamburgers – yum. It was nice to able to get some meat at the grocery store. Started watching a new series for me – Mindhunter. Total hand wash – 19.
Day 10 (Saturday) – Went for a walk in the morning, dodging a bit of rain. Watched an episode of Mindhunter. Bet on lots of horse racing from around the country. The Louisiana Derby (a Kentucky Derby prep) was the biggest race of the day. Pretty much even on the day. Went for another beach walk in the late afternoon around low tide. HUNDREDS on the beach. Just before sunset our neighbors came over for a drink. We sat the mandated six feet apart. Really nice to catch up on what’s been going on. Another episode of Mindhunter to end the night. Total hand wash – 24.
A real, not sure cool week!