REAL COOL STORIES (week ended 1/27/24) Recently, I read a story about twins being born in different years. This year it happened at least twice in the US – in Connecticut and New Jersey. How rare is it? About a 1 in 2 million shot to have twins born in different years. Wow!
It made me think about twins. In my life experience, I have only known one set of twins. It was interesting because there was one boy and one girl. You really didn’t think much about them as twins.
In the US, about 114,000 sets of twins are born annually. This represents about 3 percent of all births. This rate is significantly higher than before the 2000s. In 1980, the twin birth rate was below 2 percent.
Why the change? Researchers believe three main causes: 1) More IVF than ever before; 2) More and better fertility analysis; and 3) More women waiting to have children until their 30s.
Those reasons make a lot of sense. Technology has changed all aspects of our lives and pregnancy is no different.
I then a thought about the new millennium. There were several cases around the US when twins were not only born in a different year, but in a different CENTURY!
According to the CBS News report, there were SIX sets of twins in the US born in different centuries! That is something that must be an all-time discussion starter!
These kids and their parents have a real cool story indeed!